(NHI) National Health Insurance Taiwan

NHI-contracted healthcare providers and benefits

People living in Taiwan that have NHI insurance can, upon presentation of their health card receive medical services at any NHI contracted hospital, clinic, pharmacy, or medical laboratory, and can choose at which hospital or clinic they will receive medical services. Read more through the following link, but before clicking on it, we recommend you read our full article below.

NHI Health Benefits and Providers Taiwan
At the time of this article, NHI insurance includes essentially all necessary health care services. However, just the basic needs, not the more costly and sometimes better options as can be seen on the discussion forum as evidenced below.

Forum Discussions:

The discussions from the forum below are older but will help you know the types of questions to ask when deciding on from which company, when and if to purchase insurance in Taiwan. We recommend you protect yourself by having the additional insurance!


The NHI really only covers basic doctor visits and checkups, etc. Anything more than that, such as overnight hospital stays, operations, etc., is not covered. I was hospitalized twice last year, and had to pay some things out-of-pocket. Now, this is Taiwan, so it wasn’t too expensive, but I’m breathing easier since I signed up with a private insurance company for secondary health insurance, as well as life and accident insurance, which cost about 11,000NT a year in premiums for several million NT in coverage. Even if I never need it again, 11,000NT annually is a pretty cheap price to pay for the peace of mind.

Elegua Apr 2006

What no co-pays in Canada?

What I’ve been led to believe is…In Taiwan it is technically illegal to have private insurance for reimbursed items. You can get insurance for non-reimbursed items and you can get accident insurance – but not health insurance a la the US.

Co-pays are also technically illegal for all items except pacemakers

Reimbursement depends upon indication and is uneven in its application due to the arbitrary and opaque process used to decide what gets reimbursed and what doesn’t. Many times more advanced procedures and items are not reimbursed, but the lower cost ones are: one example would be repairing a hernia with a suture is reimbursed, but using a mesh which will allow you to recover faster, with less pain and with a lower likelihood of causing another hernia elsewhere is not. Same with bare metal vs. drug eluting stents…and the list goes on.

There is a global budget here like in Canada since 2002. The budget was capped as of 2002 and can grow no faster than 4% p.a. Any overage has to be funded by the hospital itself. Also, the gov. is coming back to hospitals and cutting funds that they are owed by up to 25%, so hospitals are discovering the revenue potential of patient pay items and the parking lot (don’t laugh – the parking lot and cafeteria are big earners for hospitals under a global budget).

There is no ‘gatekeeper’ so that you can get to a specialist very quickly, however, he’s got 30 patients to do in a morning (mine did today) so your mileage may vary as he’s got about 10min to spend with you.

NHL (National Health Insurance) Forum Discussion Taiwan

Handbook for National Health Insurance in Taiwan.

The following link opens a website first, then the handbook downloads afterwards, which takes 10 to 15 seconds to complete. Please be patient and once the handbook downloads, you can open the handbook and see it in full.

Handbook of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance

(NHI) 台灣國民健康保險
NHI 簽約醫療保健提供者和福利



在撰寫本文時,NHI 保險基本上包括所有必要的醫療保健服務。然而,這只是基本需求,而不是更昂貴且有時更好的選擇,如下所示,可以在討論論壇上看到。
(NHI) táiwān guómín jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn
NHI qiānyuē yīliáo bǎojiàn tígōng zhě hé fúlì
jūzhù zài táiwān de guómín jiànbǎo rénshì, kě píng jiànkāng kǎ dào rènhé jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn qiānyuē yīyuàn, zhěnsuǒ, yào jú huò yīxué jiǎnyàn suǒ jiēshòu yīliáo fúwù, bìng kě xuǎnzé zài nǎ jiā yīyuàn huò zhěnsuǒ jiēshòu yīliáo fúwù. Tòuguò yǐxià liánjié yuèdú gèng duō nèiróng.

Dàn shǒuxiān, wǒmen jiànyì nín yuèdú zhěng piān wénzhāng.

NHL(guómín jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn) lùntán tǎolùn táiwān

Zài zhuànxiě běnwén shí,NHI bǎoxiǎn jīběn shàng bāokuò suǒyǒu bìyào de yīliáo bǎojiàn fúwù. Rán'ér, zhè zhǐshì jīběn xūqiú, ér bùshì gèng ángguì qiě yǒu shí gèng hǎo de xuǎnzé, rúxià suǒ shì, kěyǐ zài tǎolùn lùntán shàng kàn dào.





埃萊瓜 2006 年 4 月
Lùntán tǎolùn:

Yǐxià lùntán zhōng de tǎolùn jiào jiù, dàn jiāng bāngzhù nín liǎojiě zài juédìng cóng nǎ jiā gōngsī, héshí yǐjí shìfǒu gòumǎi táiwān bǎoxiǎn shí yào tíchū de wèntí lèixíng. Wǒmen jiànyì nín gòumǎi éwài de bǎoxiǎn lái bǎohù zìjǐ!


NHI shíjì shang zhǐ chéngbǎo jīběn de jiùzhěn hé jiǎnchá děng. Qùnián wǒ zhùyuàn liǎng cì, xūyào zìfèi zhīfù yīxiē fèiyòng. Xiànzài zhèlǐ shì táiwān, bù suàn tài guì, bùguò wǒ fàngxīnle, yīnwèi wǒ zài sīrén bǎoxiǎn gōngsī bànlǐle èr jí jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn, hái yǒu rénshòu yìwài xiǎn, měinián 11000 xīn táibì zuǒyòu. Jíshǐ wǒ bù zài xūyào tā, měinián 11,000 xīn táibì yěshì yīgè xiāngdāng piányí de jiàgé, kěyǐ ràng wǒ ānxīn.

Āi lái guā 2006 nián 4 yuè

我被引導相信的是……在台灣,為報銷物品購買私人保險從技術上講是非法的。您可以獲得非報銷項目的保險,並且可以獲得意外保險 - 但不能像美國那樣獲得健康保險。



自 2002 年起,這裡就有了像加拿大一樣的全球預算。任何超額費用都必須由醫院自行資助。此外,政府。回到醫院並削減高達 25% 的資金,因此醫院正在發現患者付費項目和停車場的收入潛力(別笑 - 停車場和自助餐廳是醫院的主要收入來源)全球預算)。

沒有“看門人”,所以你可以很快找到專家,但是,他一早上要處理30 個病人(我今天就處理了),所以你的里程可能會有所不同,因為他有大約10 分鐘的時間來陪你。

Zài jiānádà shénme qíngkuàng xià bù xūyào zì fùfèiyòng?

Wǒ bèi yǐndǎo xiāngxìn de shì……zài táiwān, wèi bàoxiāo wùpǐn gòumǎi sīrén bǎoxiǎn cóng jìshù shàng jiǎng shì fēifǎ de. Nín kěyǐ huòdé fēi bàoxiāo xiàngmù dì bǎoxiǎn, bìngqiě kěyǐ huòdé yìwài bǎoxiǎn - dàn bùnéng xiàng měiguó nàyàng huòdé jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn.

Cóng jìshù shàng jiǎng, chúle qǐ bó qì zhī wài de suǒyǒu wùpǐn de zì fù é yěshì fēifǎ de

bàoxiāo qǔjué yú zhǐshì, bìngqiě yóuyú yòng yú juédìng shénme kěyǐ bàoxiāo shénme bù kěyǐ de rènyì qiě bùtòumíng de guòchéng, qí yìngyòng bù pínghéng. Hěnduō shíhòu, gèng xiānjìn de chéngxù hé xiàngmù bù huì dédào bàoxiāo, dàn chéngběn jiào dī de chéngxù hé xiàngmù shì: Yīgè lìzi shì yòng fénghé xiàn xiūfù shànqì kěyǐ dédào bàoxiāo, dàn shǐyòng wǎng piàn kěyǐ ràng nín huīfù dé gèng kuài, téngtòng gèng shǎo, fèiyòng gèng dī. Luǒ jīnshǔ zhījià yǔ yàowù xǐ tuō zhījià de qíngkuàng xiāngtóng…zhèyàng de lìzi bùshèng méi jǔ.

Zì 2002 nián qǐ, zhèlǐ jiù yǒule xiàng jiānádà yīyàng de quánqiú yùsuàn. Rènhé chāo'é fèiyòng dōu bìxū yóu yīyuàn zìxíng zīzhù. Cǐwài, zhèngfǔ. Huí dào yīyuàn bìng xuējiǎn gāodá 25% de zījīn, yīncǐ yīyuàn zhèngzài fāxiàn huànzhě fù fèi xiàngmù hé tíngchēchǎng de shōurù qiánlì (bié xiào - tíngchēchǎng hé zìzhù cāntīng shì yīyuàn de zhǔyào shōurù láiyuán) quánqiú yùsuàn).

Méiyǒu “kān ménrén”, suǒyǐ nǐ kěyǐ hěn kuài zhǎodào zhuānjiā, dànshì, tā yī zǎoshang yào chǔlǐ 30 gè bìngrén (wǒ jīntiān jiù chǔlǐle), suǒyǐ nǐ de lǐchéng kěnéng huì yǒu suǒ bùtóng, yīnwèi tā yǒu dàyuē 10 fēnzhōng de shíjiān lái péi nǐ.

NHL(guómín jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn) lùntán tǎolùn táiwān

以下連結首先開啟一個網站,然後下載手冊,需要 10 到 15 秒才能完成。請耐心等待,手冊下載後,您可以打開手冊並查看完整內容。

Táiwān guómín jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn shǒucè.

Yǐxià liánjié shǒuxiān kāiqǐ yīgè wǎngzhàn, ránhòu xiàzài shǒucè, xūyào 10 dào 15 miǎo cáinéng wánchéng. Qǐng nàixīn děngdài, shǒucè xiàzài hòu, nín kěyǐ dǎkāi shǒucè bìng chákàn wánzhěng nèiróng.

Táiwān guómín jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn shǒucè